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Cars are faster

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Cars are vehicles used for transportation on roads, while glasses are optical devices worn on the face to correct vision or protect the eyes. They are designed for different purposes and have different functions.

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Difference between communication and mass communication?

the difference is that communication is singular or one person and mass communication is a lot of people communicating.At a word: any difference between individual and collective

Why are glasses used?

Glasses are used to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism by bending light rays to focus properly on the retina. They can also protect the eyes from harmful UV rays, reduce eye strain from digital screens, and improve clarity for activities like reading or driving.

What was the major difference between georgias first and second provincial congress?

The major difference between Georgia's first and second provincial congress was the shift in sentiment towards independence from Great Britain. The first congress was more moderate, seeking reconciliation with the British Crown, while the second congress was more radical and endorsed independence.

What is the difference between dominion and domination?

Dominion typically refers to control or authority over something, often in a benevolent or nurturing sense. Domination, on the other hand, implies exercising power and control over others in a forceful or oppressive manner. Dominion suggests stewardship, while domination implies subjugation.

What describes the key difference between Sunni Muslims and shia Muslims?

The key difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims lies in their beliefs related to the leadership of the Muslim community after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Sunnis believe the leader should be elected, while Shias believe leadership should stay within the Prophet's family. This historical disagreement led to distinct theological, legal, and cultural differences between the two groups.

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What is the difference between striking straight sided glasses vs circular glasses?

the sound

What is the difference between English cars and European cars?

None. English cars are European cars

What is the difference between cars and go carts?

Cars are designed to be street legal.

What is the difference between hot wheals and matchbox cars?

they are different brands of cars

What is the difference between cars in the 60's and 21st century cars?

Ya face....

What is the difference between cars today and cars in the past?

Seat belt and air bags.

What is the difference between cars and airplanes?

Cars = ground transportation Airplanes = air transportation

How far do you have to drive to recover the difference in cost between 2 cars?

That depends on the difference in cost of the cars, the difference in efficiency of the cars, and the cost per mile to operate them. Not enough information for us to give you a real answer.

Difference between SUV cars and ordinary cars?

An SUV is a sports car(Sports Utility Vehicle)

What is the difference between luxury and sports cars?

Luxury cars are built for comfort and convenience, while sport cars are built for speed and performance.

What is the difference between vintage cars and racing cars?

Vintage cars are defined by the date they were built, not design, (about 1920-1930). Racing cars are defined by their design for racing.

Whats the difference between imports and domestic cars?

imports are from a different country domestics are cars made in you country where you live