That depends on if you are talking about the noun or the adjective. The noun does not have an antonym. The adjective, however, does have an antonym and it is elective, optional, or voluntary.
The power of the incumbent can influence voters by giving them more visibility and resources to communicate their achievements, making them potentially more appealing to voters. Incumbents may also benefit from name recognition and established network of supporters, which can sway voters in their favor. However, incumbents also face the challenge of voter fatigue or desire for change, which can work against them.
The antonym of highlights is lowlights. Lowlights refer to darker sections of hair or areas that are less noticeable or emphasized.
I am not really sure
The antonym of Pax Americana would be a state of global instability or conflict, where there is a lack of a dominating or stabilizing force like the United States.
Positive aspects of being an incumbent include name recognition among voters and access to resources for campaigning. Negative aspects may include voter fatigue or desire for change, as well as being held accountable for past decisions or actions during the term in office.
The possessive form for the singular noun incumbent is incumbent's.
The incumbent is the current office holder, the "challanger' is the person running against the incumbent
The incumbent is the current holder of a political office. To vote "non-incumbent" would mean to vote for the challenger to the incumbent's position.
Barack Obama is the incumbent president.
Barack Obama is the incumbent democratic president.
The incumbent in an election is the current office-holder. For the 2012 Presidential race, the incumbent is Barack Obama.
an incumbent
the incumbent (your mom) the incumbent (your mom)
An incumbent is an elected official who holds an office and is running for reelection.
In politics, the incumbent is the person who holds the seat he/she is running for in order to keep it. The challenger is the person trying to win the seat that the incumbent has.
A holder of an office is called the incumbent. This term is usually used in reference to elections, in which races can often be defined as being between an incumbent and non-incumbent.
Senator Sampson was the incumbent and easily won yet another term.