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Political bands refer to musical groups or artists whose music and lyrics are centered around political themes, activism, or social commentary. These bands often use their platform to address important societal issues and advocate for change through their music and performances.

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Q: What is political bands?
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Related questions

What does political bands mean?

A rulership band that has physical coercion as a guarantee of its order is a political band. When political bands are dissolved, it leads to political independence.

Which political organization has been referred to as collections of bands?


In this excerpt from The Declaration of Independence what do the words political bands refer to . . . it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected th?

it is "bonds" not bands. A political bond is the thing that keeps people politically together and thinking the same way. Like a friendship.

Where do most bands get ideas for songs?

Drugs. Break-ups. Political Strife.

What does dissolve the political bands mean in the first paragraph of the declaration of independence?

it means take apart or go away from one another

Do all Nazis where red bands?

Not all "Nazi's" wear red bands. Most real National Socialist don't advertise their beliefs with theatrics. It's a political view, not a fashion statement.

How do chiefs within chiefdoms gain their positions?

Chiefdoms, unlike bands and tribes, have permanent political positions and regulate the regions they govern

How do chiefs within chiefdoms generally gained their positions?

Chiefdoms, unlike bands and tribes, have permanent political positions and regulate the regions they govern

Where is the trumpet played?

Marching Bands, Orchestras, Big bands, concert bands, Jazz bands, and sometimes but rarely rock bands. Marching Bands, Orchestras, Big bands, concert bands, Jazz bands, and sometimes but rarely rock bands.

A bands are dark bands?

That is correct. In a muscle sarcomere, the A bands are the dark bands made up of thick myosin filaments. These bands are responsible for generating force during muscle contraction.

A list of one man bands?

two man bands three man bands and four man bands

What type of band often plays Irish music in st patricks day?

Marching Bands, which are often brass bands or pipe bands.