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You could get a degree in Social Work.

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A social service degree is a program of study that prepares individuals to work in various fields of social work and human services. It provides training in areas such as counseling, case management, community services, and social policy to help individuals address the needs of vulnerable populations and promote social justice. Graduates with a social service degree often pursue careers in social work, counseling, advocacy, or community service organizations.

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Continue Learning about Political Science

How did the civil service examinations affect Chinese society?

The civil service examinations in China promoted meritocracy by allowing individuals to attain government positions based on their knowledge and ability rather than wealth or family connections. This system provided upward social mobility for talented individuals from lower social classes, leading to a more stable and competent bureaucracy. However, the emphasis on Confucian learning in the examinations also contributed to a rigid social hierarchy and limited the diversity of perspectives in governance.

What are the difference between the feudal social structure and the Hindu caste system?

Feudal social structure is based on relationships between lords and vassals, with land ownership as a key factor. In contrast, the Hindu caste system is a hereditary social hierarchy with specific occupational roles. While both systems involve social stratification, the feudal system is more focused on land ownership and military service, whereas the caste system is based on religious beliefs and social duties.

What state provides the most benefits to its citizen?

It can vary depending on what benefits you're looking at, but some states with robust social programs and support for citizens are California, New York, and Massachusetts. These states tend to have strong healthcare, education, and social service systems in place to help their residents.

What type of jobs can you get with an interdisciplinary studies degree?

With an interdisciplinary studies degree, you can pursue roles in project management, research analysis, corporate training, and consulting. These positions value the varied skill set and critical thinking abilities that come from a multidisciplinary education. Additionally, you may find opportunities in fields such as education, social services, and public policy.

What did Barbara Jordan get a degree in?

Barbara Jordan received a law degree from Boston University Law School.

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If you like human service work what kind of degree BS should i get?

One option is a social work degree.

What requirements are needed to get into Social Service work?

Social workers must have a bachelor's degree in social work. If one wants to have a clinical career, one must have a master's degree. Social workers are required to be license, certified, or registered. Social workers should have qualities such as compassion and kindness that will help them be successful in their career.

What degree is for social work?

Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a social worker is a, bachelor's degree in social work (BSW).

Where is the best school for getting degree in social work?

School of Social Work at the University of Southern California offers a Master of Social Work and Doctor of Philosophy to you, with various concentrations and sub-concentration, which can be selected. The program also offers a dual degree, which can make students to get a degree in Business Administration, Gerontology, Jewish Communal Service, Law, or Public Administration with a Master of Social Work.

What education is needed to become a child protective service officer?

Most child protective service officers are required to have a bachelor's degree in social work, psychology, or a related field. Some positions may also require a master's degree in social work or a related field. In addition to formal education, on-the-job training and licensure may be necessary.

BA in Psychology - what career options does one have?

You could work for some social service agencies or work any job that asks for a college degree or BA degree. Just look on or

What type of masters degree do you need to be a social worker for children and veterans?

The undergraduate degree is a bachelor's in social work (BSW), and the graduate degree is a masters in social work (MSW).

Is head start a social service?

head start is a social service.

Do you need a social work degree to be a social worker?

Yes. Your sister does indeed need a degree/degrees, however it's not exactly a social work degree. She needs to have anyone one of the following: A Diploma, in Social Work, Undergraduate Degree, Graduate Degrees, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Social Work.

What are the requirements to work in social services?

If I'm not mistaken, you have to have a minimum of an associate's degree to be a social worker. most likely an associate's degree in psychology which would be a 2 year course program of general education and a specialization in psychology related course material. You need to have a bachelor's degree at a minimum in social work although some postions will allow other degrees like psycology and sociology. Most jobs require a master's degree in social work however.

Can i become a social worker with a associate's degree?

Typically, the minimum educational requirement for a social worker is a bachelor's degree in social work (BSW).

What are the requirements to becoming a social worker?

Generally, social workers are people who have graduated from college with a degree in social work. At least a bachelor's degree is required, but it is likely that a lot of places would like to you have a master's degree in social work.