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A planned effort to shape people's ideas and opinions is called propaganda.

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Propaganda is a planned effort to shape people's ideas by spreading information or arguments to influence their beliefs or actions. It is often used to promote a particular political agenda or to manipulate public opinion.

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Q: What is a planned effort to shape people's ideas?
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What are political ideologies?

Political ideologies are sets of beliefs and values that shape one's views on government, society, and the economy. They provide a framework for understanding and addressing social and political issues, and can range from conservative or liberal to socialist or libertarian in nature. Ideologies often influence individuals' policy preferences and guide their actions in the political sphere.

How can a person change history?

A person can change history by taking impactful actions that have long-lasting effects on society, such as leading social movements, advocating for change, or shaping political decisions. By influencing events or ideas that shape the course of history, individuals can leave a lasting impact on future generations.

What statement accurately describes how a historical society influenced the development of democracy?

The historical society influenced the development of democracy by championing principles such as equality, representation, and the rule of law. By advocating for the rights of individuals and promoting fair governance, the historical society helped shape democratic values and institutions.

Is an ideology a set of facts?

No, an ideology is a system of beliefs or ideas that guide individuals or groups and shape their worldview or behavior. It is not necessarily based on concrete facts but is often influenced by values, perspectives, and principles.

A historian's upbringing can influence their interpretation of historical events.?

Yes, a historian's upbringing can shape their perspectives on historical events due to factors like cultural background, personal experiences, and educational influences. These factors can impact how a historian views evidence, chooses sources, and constructs narratives about the past. However, historians also strive to maintain objectivity by using critical thinking skills and multiple sources to arrive at well-rounded interpretations.

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Powerful people can influence ideas by using their influence, resources, and platforms to promote certain ideas or perspectives. They can also use their authority to shape policies, media coverage, and public opinions. Additionally, their actions and decisions can set an example for others to follow, further reinforcing those ideas.

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eta a lot ,sleep

How do ideas shape people?

Ideas are what motivate people to act. As an idea takes shape, so does the person who has it. New ideas change our outlook on life, and how we react to the world around us. Anything we base our actions on has indefinite control over us

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Not much effort needed to shape it - like lead or clay for example.

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their chna

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It was the way of the nose-pickers.

What ideas helped shape the Constitution?

the answer to your question is the law and the declaration of independance

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Bridging World History - 2004 Ideas Shape the World 1-17 was released on: USA: 2004

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Three institutions in society that control people's beliefs and ideas are: Education systems that shape individuals' knowledge and values from a young age. Media outlets that influence public opinions and perceptions through news reporting and entertainment. Religious organizations that provide moral and ethical guidance to their followers.

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how did cultural areas shape the ways different native American peoples developed

How did Marco Polo and Zheng help shape ideas about China?

by looking around

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by looking around