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Special projects in congressional districts added to bills that really waste money are congressional earmarks.

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These are often referred to as "pork-barrel spending" or "earmarks." They are funds allocated for specific projects in certain congressional districts, typically for political gain rather than based on merit or necessity. Critics argue that they can lead to wasteful spending and resources being misused.

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Q: What do you call special projects in congressional districts added to bills that really waste money?
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What is an antonym for county?

I am not really sure

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They just want people's money; really its common sense, they wouldn't do it just because they want to be jerks to their customers.

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Just about any scientist, the idea didn't really take off until the enlightenment in the 18th century with thinkers like Benjamin Franklin

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No, it is not okay to be dishonest or corrupt. These behaviors can harm others, damage trust, and create negative consequences for individuals and society as a whole. It is important to act with honesty and integrity in all situations.

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.pet files, for whatever reason, are not compatible with Petz Workshop. If you really want to edit a pet, you'll have to use a hexeditor or LNZ pro.

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