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Nearly all countries on Earth, excluding countries that maintain monarchies, consider themselves republics, including non-democratic regimes. It is crucial to note that a republic and a democracy are not the same thing.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Some countries that are republics include the United States, France, Germany, India, and South Africa. These countries have elected officials representing the people and a government structure that is not based on a monarchy.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A republic is a form of government in which the head of state is an elected president rather than a monarch.

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Q: What countries are republics?
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What is the difference between the republic state and democratic state?

A republic state is one where the power lies with elected officials who represent the people, while a democratic state is one where the power lies directly with the people through processes like voting and referendums. In essence, all republics are democratic, but not all democratic states are republics.

What were the banana republics?

The term "banana republics" refers to politically unstable countries in Latin America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that were economically dependent on exporting bananas. These countries often had authoritarian governments that were influenced or even controlled by foreign banana companies, particularly the United Fruit Company.

What document serves a s a basic law and basic political framework of most republics?


What are the official titles of republic rulers?

Most republics have a president. In some republics the president runs the government. It other republics the president is a figurehead and the government is run by a prime minister.A republic is a form of government which is not ruled by a king or emperor or some other aristocrats, such as a prince (who is rules by a Principate) or a duke (who rules a Duchy or Grand Duchy). That is all that is needed for the definition of a republic.Nowadays, the bulk of modern counties in the word are republics. There are only 2 absolute monarchies (the king rules; Saudi Arabia and Swaziland) 16 constitutional monarchies (the monarch is a figurehead who does not run the government) 1 constitutional emperor (in Japan) 2 absolute sultanates (Brunei and Oman), 1 absolute emirate (Qatar) 3 constitutional or mixed emirates (Bahrain, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates) 3 constitutional principalities (Andorra, Liechtenstein and Monaco) and 1 constitutional Grand Duchy (Luxembourg).A republic can be a democracy, an authoritarian state, a dictatorship or a totalitarian state. Recently many republics in the developing word have been authoritarian states or dictatorships (some under a civilian dictator and some by a military dictatorship).Famous examples of republics with military dictatorships are the military juntas in South America in the 1970s. Famous examples of republics with civilian dictator are the Philippines under Marcos and Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein also provides an example of a civilian dictator of a republic who also puts himself in charge of the army. Even some Western European countries have been republics which were dictatorships: Portugal (under the Ditadura Nacional, 1926-32, Salazar, 1932-68, and Caetano, 1968-74) and Greece under the Regime of the Colonels (1967-74). The dictatorial Regime of the Colonels also overthrew the Greek monarchy and established a republic. Although Francisco Francodid not abolish the Spanish monarchy and he appointed Juan Carlos I de Borbón as his successor, his dictatorship was effectively a republic. Franco ruled as Regent to the King of Spain and Juan Carlo had no say in politics.Communistcountries, like the Soviet Union (which is short for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) its communist satellite countries in Eastern Europe and other communist regimes in the developing word were republics with a totalitarian state. China and North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba are still communist republics.Nazi Germany was a republic.

What is soviat union?

The Soviet Union was a former socialist state that existed from 1922 to 1991, encompassing Russia and other republics in Eastern Europe and Asia. It was characterized by a planned economy, one-party rule by the Communist Party, and a strong centralized government led by a General Secretary. The Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, leading to the emergence of independent republics such as Russia, Ukraine, and others.

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Central Asian Republics: Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan the transcuacasian republics: Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia

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The Caucasus republics include Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. These countries are located in the Caucasus region, which is situated at the border of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.

Which countries are currently considered to be Banana Republics?

The term "Banana Republic" usually refers to a country which is unstable and relies on exports. Some of the countries which are currently considered Banana Republics are Guatemala and the Honduras. The first Banana Republics were located in the Carribean

Does Europe have republic?

Europe is a continent with many countries. Some of those countries are republics.

Witch countries are the Baltic countries?

The three Baltic republics are Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia

In the world there are 237 what?

there is 237 countries/states/republics in the world :)

Does Russia have states or countries?

Neither. It has 'constituent republics' and 'oblasts'.

Are almost all South American countries republics?

Yes they are.

How many countries are republics?

10 democratic and 90 re

What countries make up the transcaucasian republics and the Central Asian republics?

The Transcaucasian republics consist of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The Central Asian republics include Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

What countries are considered Constitutional Republics?

i know usa is one of'em

What countries make up the Baltic Republics?

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.