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In the United States, States have taxes on a number of items. Below is a list of taxes that States have created. Not all States have all the taxes listed:

* personal income;

* sales taxes;

* corporate taxes;

* gasoline taxes; and

* property taxes.

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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Some common types of state taxes in the United States include income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and excise taxes. Each state has its own tax system and rates, so the specifics can vary.

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Q: What are types of State taxes in the United States?
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Continue Learning about Political Science

What types of states exist?

There are four main types of states: democratic states where power is held by the people, authoritarian states where power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or small group, totalitarian states where the government controls all aspects of public and private life, and failed states that can no longer perform basic functions.

What is the difference between the republic state and democratic state?

A republic state is one where the power lies with elected officials who represent the people, while a democratic state is one where the power lies directly with the people through processes like voting and referendums. In essence, all republics are democratic, but not all democratic states are republics.

What is Classification of States?

The classification of states is a system used to categorize different types of states in international relations. States can be classified based on factors such as size, power, political system, and level of development. This classification helps scholars and policymakers understand the diversity of states in the international system.

What are the people who are citizens of the district or state which a person represents called?

If they are representing their country in another country, they would be called Ambassadors If you are talking about congress, there are two types: There are the Senators. 2 per state There are the Representatives of the House. Number of representatives is relative to state population

What types of jobs did immigrants worked in?

Immigrants have historically worked in a wide range of jobs, depending on factors such as skills, education, and language proficiency. Some common sectors include agriculture, construction, hospitality, healthcare, manufacturing, and service industries. Immigrants often fill roles that are labor-intensive or require specialized skills.

Related questions

Which two types of taxes provide the largest amount of revenue to states?

For most states, one of the two types of taxes that provide the largest amount of revenue to the state is property taxes. Sales tax is the other tax that provides a large part of the revenue. Income taxes provide some state revenue.

What are the different types of elections in the United States?

Local, state, and federal.

Are the taxes higher in the United States or in Weston Europe?

There are many different types of tax. Some are higher in Europe and some are lower.

What are some examples of the cultural diversity of the us?

Cultural diversity in the United States is evident in the different types of people who live across the United States. Cultures vary from state to state, and cultures also exist from different countries in certain neighborhoods and places in the United States.

Can Taxes imposed by the Congress can be set at different rates from state to state?

There are different types of taxes. They are local, state, and federal. The federal taxes are income tax that is taken monthly from pay checks and in the form of social security. On top of federal is state taxes. Some states don't have a state tax while others to. States also collect taxes on sales and winning things like lotteries. State taxes are also collected at the gas pump for highway funds. Local taxes can vary between cities and regions and usually come in the form of sales taxes. Property tax is also collected by cities. These too can vary depending on the value of the property.

What are the types of legislature?

There are many types of legislature around the world. In the United States there are a few types of legislature. There is the Senate and the House of Representatives, both at the national and state level.

Can taxes differ from state to state?

Yes they can and do differ from state to state as each state and local areas have each have different types and amounts of taxes that they add to different items.

what two types of taxes provide the largest amount of revenue to the states?

The total revenue for the United States is 5.7 trillion dollars. The two largest components of this total are Income Tax and Social Insurance taxes, which provide 2.2 trillion and 1.5 trillion dollars, respectively.

Is real estate tax same as property tax?

Real estate taxes are commonly referred to as property taxes. However, property taxes can be one of two types: real property taxes (land and improvements to land like structures and accessory or outbuildings) and personal property taxes (vehicles, business and industrial equipment, etc.). Tax laws within each state in the United States define what is real property and what is personal property for tax purposes.

If you buy a car outside the state you live in do you pay tax on the state you bought it in or the state you live in?

Sales taxes are a responsibility of the state. Merchants collect the tax and pay it to the state. Laws vary from state to state on if or how much a person must pay in sales taxes for bringing a vehicle from one state to another. Some states require the person to pay the difference between sales taxes for the two states, giving the person a credit for sales tax already paid in another state. If the state the person is moving from has no sales tax for vehicles, then the person may be given a limited time to request an exemption. There are also other types of taxes such as "end use taxes" in states like New York and New Jersey which are specific to that particular state and may have to paid. It is best to check with the state's motor vehicle administration when registering the vehicle.

What are the Levels and types of government?

In the United States there are three basic levels of government, They are:* Federal government; * State government; and * Local government.

Collecting taxes is shared by which 2 types of government?

State and Federal