The old nickname for the modern conservative party,in britain. The current Prime Minister David Cameron is of this party
It was also the nickname given the American colonists that supported the king during the Revolutionary war.
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The Restoration of Monarchy in England
Charles I was succeeded by his son Charles II. He was a merry monarch because he's conditioned by French tastes and sympathies; he admired the magnificent court of Louis XIV under that he lived. He was a cultured man, more intelligent and less fanatic than his father. The Parliament that recalled the king to return on the throne was called Cavalier Parliament. In 1673 Parliament forced the king to sign a Test Act, in which Catholics were denied in holding public offices. The fear of Charles's interest in Catholic Church and of the monarchy becoming so powerful resulted in the formation of the two first parties in Britain: Whigs and Tories.
The Whigs, a Scottish name meaning "cattle raiders" are the descendants of supporters of Parliament. They don't believe in absolute power, either of Church or State, and stood for the toleration of dissenters. The Tories or "outlaws" were the descendants of Royalists. They supported the Crown, the Anglican Church and the landed gentry. They believe that the kings' government was given by a divine right.
The Glorious Revolution
The Tory party decided to crown a new king, James II, although he was Catholic. The king early decided that he was enough strong to impose Catholicism in England, because he grow up in France. But his daughters, Mary and Anne, were both Protestants and did not approve their father's policy. Abroad the Dutch William Orange, worried that England would side with Louis XIV against Protestant Holland, went in England to stop the dangerous movement of James. So William took secretly the throne in 1688 and James was forced to go away. Thus William entered London without firing a single shot or shedding a drop of blood. This was the Glorious Rev.
The power of Parliament was superior to the one of the King; in fact William had to sign the Bill of Rights in 1689. The king was unable to raise taxes or keep an army without Parliament's agreement. In these years was left the Toleration Act, in which Protestant dissenters had not to be persecuted. William was succeeded by Anne, younger sister of his wife Mary. Queen Anne favoured the Whigs and her reign was marked by England's intervention in the war of Spanish succession. The war ended with the Treaties of Utrechtm1713 in which England kept Gibraltar and the monopoly of slave in colonies of South America. With the Union Act 1707 Scotland lost its parliament, but Scotsmen can sit both in the House of Lords and Commons, so they were represented in English Parliament.
Reaction to gloom
During the Civil War England was quacked by a Puritans' strict view of life. The behaviour of the upper class and the aristocracy showed a strong reaction against the strict puritan morality. The aristocratic people love dancing, playing cards and they enjoyed making love. Both men and women cared for fashion and appearance. Men wore wigs and rich clothes of bright colours. Women wore wigs too and long dressed with low neck-lines. Oak wood was replaced by other woods, the seats and backs of the chairs were covered by rich clothes and ornamental tapestry. The fashions set by King and aristocracy was copied by middle-class. But merchants and traders preferred a purer and simpler life style.
Wit and science
The Restoration was a period of transitionfrom the recent past to the next period of scientific innovations and of a change of mentality of men. For example complexity was transformed into classical simplicity and witdoes not consist of striking surprise, but the exercise of reason. The true spirit of Restoration was satirical due to the study of classical writer like Horace and Martial. A minor group of poets continued the lyrical tradition copying the Cavalier Poets. They were aristocrats dominated by the influence of a superficial life and its ideals of elegance. The most important poet who stands these elements was John Dryden.
In Restoration you can see also the rational tendencies, available in the works of the rationalists philosophers Locke and Hobbes and in the scientific studies of Isaac Newton. They insisted that the fundamental source of human knowledge of the whole world is only the experience, gained through the senses. Experience and reason could not be separated and became the key-words of 18 century. Hobbes defended the absolute monarchy with the figure of Leviathan, which is the union of power of every person. Newton's new theories were published and learned by the society. The new scientific attitude encouraged self-confidence and a belief in human progress; at the same time it cancel from the mind of people fear and superstition.
The enjoyment of the senses
Restoration theatres were roofed and artificially lit with candles and painted movable scenery. Actors and actress became professional and they were tied to the theatre through a contract. The audience belonged to nobility and the theatre was seen as a point of meeting for people and allows the people to fell fashionable. The best literary expression of Restoration drama was the Comedy of Manners which made fun on the manners and the absurdities of elegant society: it was witty, coarse, cynical and satirical.
A more naturalistic style of acting was used, scenery would confirm the impression of each situation, a world smaller and more familiar was set into recitation. The strongest influence for the Restoration drama was given by Ben Johnson. Restoration dramatist in other admired the comedies of Molière and of the Spanish Calderon in wit and clarity. The most important playwrights of the Restoration comedy were W. Wycherley and W. Congreve
The Whigs generally supported independence during the American Revolutionary War, while the Tories were more likely to support remaining loyal to the British crown.
The Tories were loyalists. For example, after the US Declaration of Independence, people started taking sides, either as a patriot or as a loyalist. If you were a loyalist, you were one who remained loyal to the king and felt you had to defend England. If you were a patriot, you supported independence. The Tories were members of a political party called Loyalists that existed in the 17th and 19th centuries.
Tories historically support conservative principles such as limited government intervention in the economy, fiscal responsibility, strong national defense, and traditional social values. Today, they advocate for policies that promote free market capitalism, individual responsibility, and national sovereignty.
The Tories fled the US during the American Revolutionary War because they were loyal to the British crown and were at risk of persecution or harm by the American patriots who were fighting for independence. Many Tories left the US and went back to Britain or other British territories.
This legal doctrine eliminates the practice of punishing the family of a convicted criminal by forfeiting their property or rights. It ensures that an individual's family members are not held responsible for their relative's crimes and are not subject to legal consequences. The principle upholds the belief in individual responsibility and prevents the perpetuation of punishment through generations.
The Tories sided with Britain.
the Tories
One can find information on Tories (British Political Party) from: Wikipedia, Conservatives, Blogging Tories, Tories Fighting For The King, History Learning Site, Conservative Homes.
The MP's that became known as the Tories were the King's allies in parliament. The Whigs, who were the opposition nicknamed the government 'Tories' originally as an insult after a notorious band of thieves and bandits from Donegal in Ireland.
The Tories were - Loyalists The Patriots were - Rebels No Neutral team
Whigs. Tories were the Loyalists.
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