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those basic necessities are the earth's environment, for the human civilization to survive and continue in absence of this planet that same environment have to be recreated. I'm not talking here about saving trees and extinct animals. Without wishing to appear facetious I will attempt to answer the question as I see it:-

  • One man plus one woman, capable of procreation, are the basic necessities for the survival of the human civilisation...
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Basic necessities for the survival of human civilization include access to clean water, food sources, shelter, and energy. In addition to these physical needs, social structures, governance systems, and infrastructure are essential for maintaining a cohesive society. Collaboration, communication, and a shared sense of values are also crucial for the sustainability and growth of human civilization.

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Q: What are the basic necessities for the survival of the human civilisation?
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What is the Instinctive Theory of the Origin of State?

The Instinctive Theory of the Origin of State suggests that the state emerged naturally from the instinctive human need for social organization and cooperation. This theory posits that people formed states to fulfill their inherent instincts for safety, security, and social order. It argues that the state is a product of humanity's evolutionary predisposition towards living in groups and developing systems of governance.

Distinguish between democratic and nondemocratic conditions?

Democratic conditions generally involve free and fair elections, protection of basic human rights and freedoms, rule of law, separation of powers, and government accountability to the people. In contrast, nondemocratic conditions can involve restrictions on political participation, lack of respect for human rights, authoritarian rule, censorship, limited political freedoms, and lack of transparency in governance.

Why is water considered more valuable than oil?

Water is essential for all life forms and is necessary for human survival, making it a more vital resource than oil. Oil may be used for energy and the production of goods, but it is not essential for sustaining life in the same way that water is. Additionally, water scarcity is becoming a growing concern globally, further emphasizing its value.

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Ratifying international human rights treaties and conventions, establishing human rights commissions, and implementing laws and policies to protect human rights are all actions intended to promote human rights.

What are the main goals for social policy?

The main goals of social policy are to promote social welfare, reduce inequality, and ensure that basic human needs are met. Social policy aims to address issues such as poverty, education, healthcare, and housing to create a more equitable and just society.

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Three basic necessities that are essential to human survival are food, shelter and water

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Survival, everything else is secondary.

What are necessities of human survival in earth?

Water, oxygen, and food

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necessities are things that are needed for something. like humans need water to survive. therefore, water is a necessity to human survival

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The basic requirements for human survival include access to clean water, food, shelter, and protection from extreme weather conditions. Additionally, humans need social interaction, sleep, and a sense of safety to thrive and survive.

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Survival human rights include the rights to life, food, water, shelter, and basic healthcare. Thrival human rights encompass rights that enable individuals to reach their full potential, such as education, freedom of expression, and participation in cultural life. Both sets of rights are essential for human dignity and flourishing.

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Life's necessities generally include food, water, shelter, and clothing. These are essential for human survival and well-being. Other necessities may vary depending on individual needs and circumstances.

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My basic needs for survival include food, water, shelter, and sleep. These are essential for maintaining my physical health and overall well-being.

Is science useless?

In view of the fact that modern human civilisation could not survive without science this question indicates either that survival of human civilisation in not important or is based on an astonishing level of ignorance.

What continent is the cradle of civilisation?

It is argued that the human race began in Africa, therefore Africa is the cradle of civilisation.

What are human needs?

This is a philosophical question with an economics twist. Briefly, "needs" are necessities, things essential to maintain life. For instance, food, water, and shelter are all needs. "Wants" are luxuries, things we can live without, but not essential to survival. For instance, those would include jewellery and make up.

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