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i dont know hahaha :)

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2mo ago

Developing countries typically exhibit characteristics such as low income levels, limited access to healthcare and education, high population growth rates, inadequate infrastructure, and reliance on agriculture as a major economic activity. They often face challenges related to poverty, inequality, political instability, and lack of technological advancement.

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Why is Zimbabwe considered as a developing country?

Zimbabwe is considered a developing country due to its ongoing economic challenges, including high unemployment rates, inflation, and political instability. These factors have hindered the country's progress in key areas such as infrastructure development, access to quality healthcare and education, and overall standard of living.

What is the level of development Colombia has?

Colombia is considered a developing country with a mixed economy. The country has made progress in recent years in areas such as infrastructure, healthcare, and education, but it still faces challenges including income inequality, rural poverty, and internal conflict.

What happens to a developing countries facing an increase in population?

Developing countries facing an increase in population may experience challenges in providing adequate resources such as food, water, housing, and healthcare for their growing population. This can lead to strain on infrastructure, potential environmental degradation, increased poverty, and challenges in meeting the needs of the population. Governments of developing countries may need to implement policies and initiatives to support sustainable development and improve quality of life for their growing population.

Why is technology transfer required by devoloping country?

Technology transfer is important for developing countries because it allows them to access new knowledge, capacity building, and innovation that can help them advance their industries and enhance economic growth. By transferring technology from more developed nations, developing countries can accelerate their own technological capabilities and improve their competitiveness in the global market. Additionally, technology transfer can address local challenges, such as improving healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability.

Is Vietnam a rich or poor country?

Vietnam is considered a developing country with a mix of wealth and poverty. It has a growing economy with a significant portion of the population still living in poverty, particularly in rural areas. The country has made progress in reducing poverty rates and improving standards of living in recent years.