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what are the political effects in the north

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In the Northern region, political effects can include increased scrutiny on policies related to economic development, social welfare, and environmental conservation. Additionally, there may be a focus on issues such as indigenous rights, resource extraction, and infrastructure development due to the region's unique challenges and opportunities. Political autonomy and governance structures for Indigenous communities may also be important political considerations in the North.

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What political divisions existed within both the north and south?

In the North, political divisions existed over issues such as tariffs, internal improvements, and the role of the federal government in regulating the economy. In the South, divisions centered on states' rights, slavery, and the extent of federal power over states' decisions. These divisions ultimately contributed to the growing tensions between the North and South leading up to the Civil War.

What are the effects to the attempt by political scientist to study politics scientifically?

Political scientists studying politics scientifically may face challenges such as biases in data collection, difficulty in predicting human behavior accurately, and differing opinions on what constitutes "scientific" methodology in the social sciences. However, their efforts can lead to a better understanding of political systems, informed policymaking, and the ability to identify patterns and trends in political behavior.

How political science related to history?

Political science is related to history as it relies on the study of past political events and structures to understand how political systems evolve over time. By analyzing historical events, political scientists can identify patterns, trace the roots of contemporary political issues, and make predictions about future developments. History provides a context for understanding political institutions, ideologies, and behaviors, allowing political scientists to draw insights and lessons from the past.

What were the social and political effects of the Civil War?

The Civil War resulted in the abolition of slavery, the redefinition of citizenship rights through the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, and the solidification of federal authority over the states. It also caused deep divisions and resentment between the North and the South, leading to a period of Reconstruction marked by social and economic upheaval.

What are the effects of politics on public administration?

Politics can influence public administration by affecting policy decisions, resource allocation, and organizational culture. Political agendas and priorities can shape the direction of public administration, impacting how services are delivered and how decisions are made within government agencies. It can also result in changes in leadership and strategies in response to shifts in political landscape.

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