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The indiscriminate utilization of national resources create many problems including 3 major problems of corruption , destruction of economy and terrorism. For example energy crisises had been generated in Pakistan by not using hydroelectricity , wind energy , solar energy bio gas , wave energy and many other sources of energy . The amount being received by indiscriminate utilization of Natural Resources like gas petrolium and other resources from only some provinces and cities is eatten away by most corrupt departments and politicians so-called supreme parialment above law . The lands of the widows , orghans and poors are the property of revenue department who refuse to accept any law and they are best terrorist and killers.They have destroyed over 3.5 million families , killed over 3000 people and looted away over Rs. 27 billions. In my case they got over 17 people killed and they have got over 13 killing attacks by a gang of local terorists. They had made over 25 million people jobless thus converting most of them to helpless people finding cover under the chelter of mythologist thus generating corruption , crimes and terorism. They have gerated over 85 % problems and they claim to be above law. The hired killers police give full protection to criminals and sponsor over 80 % crimes. The politicians welcome the criminals and terorists in their camps and they are horses or lotas of some of major gangs. The basic problems of corruption , terrorism and destruction of economy are generated due to indiscrimate utilization of natural resources.

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2mo ago
  1. Resource depletion: Indiscriminate use of resources can lead to their depletion, causing scarcity and impacting ecosystems.
  2. Environmental degradation: Overuse of resources can lead to pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction, affecting biodiversity and the health of ecosystems.
  3. Socio-economic imbalance: Unequal access to resources can exacerbate social and economic disparities, leading to conflict and instability within societies.
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Q: What are the 3 major problems created as a result of indiscriminate utilization of national resources?
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What kind of problems would an overpopulated country have?

An overpopulated country may face challenges such as strain on resources like food, water, and energy, increased pollution and environmental degradation, inadequate infrastructure to support the growing population, higher competition for jobs and housing, and potential social unrest due to limited resources.

What are the pressing population problems of pacific island nations?

Some of the pressing population problems of Pacific Island nations include high population growth rates, limited access to healthcare services, susceptibility to natural disasters and climate change, and challenges related to food and water security. Additionally, these nations often face issues related to urbanization, migration, and sustainable development.

What problems did the freed slaves have?

Freed slaves faced numerous challenges, including economic hardship due to lack of resources or job opportunities, social discrimination and racism, and difficulties in accessing education and healthcare. Many also struggled with reuniting with family members who had been sold or separated during slavery.

Many of the hunger problems are caused more by greed and bad politics than plant yields?

Addressing issues of greed and bad politics is essential in tackling hunger problems. By promoting fair distribution of resources and ensuring effective governance, we can work towards a more equitable food system that prioritizes the well-being of all individuals. Additionally, supporting sustainable agriculture practices can help improve yields and increase food security for vulnerable populations.

How do numbers influence your society?

Numbers influence society by providing a common language for measuring, comparing, and understanding quantities and data. They are used in various aspects of society such as economics, science, and technology, helping to make informed decisions, allocate resources, and solve problems. Additionally, numbers can represent power, status, and identity in society.

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