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2mo ago
  1. Strong work ethic: Completing tasks diligently and meeting deadlines.
  2. Leadership qualities: taking charge in group projects and guiding others.
  3. Adaptability: being able to work effectively in different environments or with diverse teams.
  4. Problem-solving skills: effectively resolving issues or challenges that arise.
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Q: What are some good things to demonstrate?
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What is a good topic for a persuasive speech?

A good topic for a persuasive speech could be the importance of recycling to protect the environment, the benefits of volunteering in the community, or the need for stricter laws to combat climate change.

When is change good?

Change is good when it brings growth, learning, and opportunities for improvement. Embracing change can lead to innovation, personal development, and a chance to experience new things. It can also foster resilience and the ability to adapt to different situations.

If a corrupt president was impeached what constitutional principle would it demonstrate?

The principle of checks and balances.

What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader Describe a situation of when these were used. What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader Descri?

As a leader, I demonstrate integrity by always being honest and transparent with my team. In a situation where our project was behind schedule, I communicated openly with the team about the challenges we were facing and worked together to come up with a solution. Additionally, I show empathy by actively listening to my team members, understanding their concerns, and providing support when needed. This helps to build trust and collaboration within the team.

A good speech that will get you school captain?

To become school captain, focus on showcasing your leadership skills, commitment to the student body, and ideas for improving school life. Address issues important to your peers and outline how you will address them. Emphasize your passion for serving and representing your fellow students, and highlight any previous experiences that demonstrate your ability to lead effectively. Good luck!

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What is a good sentence for demonstrate?

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some good things about mercantilism was that they had to get together to find out some things about people. They didn'tknow what to do about those good things but they did know what to do about the bad things. And you will know more about the bad things whenever you ask the question.

What are some good things to love?

No things. People.

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Religious ceremonies, good luck charms, to demonstrate wealth.

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