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The Tibetan Youth Congress is a prominent Tibetan group that advocates for political change, specifically seeking independence for Tibet from Chinese rule. They organize protests and campaigns to raise awareness about the Tibetan cause and push for international support.

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What is secessionist violence?

Secessionist violence is when a group or region seeks to break away from a larger political entity or country through the use of force or violent means. This can involve attacks on government institutions, security forces, or civilians to achieve political independence or autonomy. It is a form of political conflict that often leads to destabilization and can have serious humanitarian consequences.

What are the structural process of political science?

The structural processes of political science involve the study of political institutions, systems, and behavior. This includes analyzing power dynamics, decision-making processes, and the relationships between different levels of government. By examining these structures, political scientists seek to understand how political systems function and evolve over time.

Is political science really ascience?

Yes, political science is considered a social science that involves the study of governmental systems, political behavior, and public policies. It applies scientific methods to analyze political phenomena and understand political processes, making it a legitimate field of academic inquiry.

Should I major in history or political science?

Consider your interests and career goals when deciding between history and political science. If you're more interested in researching past events and their impact on society, history may be a better fit. On the other hand, if you're passionate about governance, public policy, and international relations, political science could be a stronger choice. Think about the specific skills and knowledge you want to gain from your major to help make your decision.

What is the importance of political stability in business?

Political stability of a country is very important for a foreign business to enter into the country. They analysis of the business is mainly based on its political stability. The companies like IBM and Coke sent out of India in 1970¶s when there¶s a change in the ruling party

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What group of people was considered progressive?

If you are asking what US political party considers themselves "progressives". Then the answer would be the Democrat party. Other nations have political parties that take a liberal or progressive stand on the issues that they face in their country. Progressives as a general rule want to change the status quo. Their opposites would be the conservatives that don't want to change everything just for changes sake.

How long must you keep your political party affiliation?

You can change it any time you want.

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Global to universal. This conversion is allowed only if the group that you want to change is not a member of another global scope group.Domain local to universal. This conversion is allowed only if the group that you want to change does not have another domain local group as a member.Universal to global. This conversion is allowed only if the group that you want to change does not have another universal group as a member.Universal to domain local. There are no restrictions for this operation.Manu

Who is the taliban and what do they want?

The Taliban are an Islamist fundamentalist political group in Afghanistan. Political groupings or parties mainly seek to take power and enforce their beliefs, policies, and ideals.

How do most Americans determine which political party to join?

They must first decide if they are conservative ( do not want change) or liberal ( in favor of change) and work from there.

What voluntary action can be taken by citizens who want to make a political difference beyond voting?

engaging in civil disobedience joining an interest group Publicly protesting at a political rally - APEX

How much does a tibetian mastiff cost in Nepal?

In Nepal, the pure tibetan mastiff costs 550$ to 800$. If you want to buy the tibetan mastiff in Nepal then, you can contact in the Buying tibetan mastiff in Nepal is a lot cheaper than any other countries.

What did King George want to change about England's way of dealing with the colonies?

Tighten the economic and political control of the colonies

Why do individuals enter into political society?

One reason that individuals enter into political society is because they want to make a change. Another reason one might enter is for the power.

What is the definition of the experimental group?

The experimental group is use to compare with the control group, and viceversa. The experimental group is the group that we change the variable to experiment it's effects, as twcontrol group is the'original' experiment's results. Such a when we want to know the effect of changing a variable.

Characteristics of pressure group?

leadership , a group that is against a certain thing & they want to change that LEGALLY they might make a website or display posters or even have a protest march if they feel strongly about that one change or multiple change(s) that the government has made

What is the name given to a person or group that holds extremist views or want drastic changes?

Radical or reactionary, depending on their political views relative to current politics.