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Yes, that is true. Many third world countries have the poorest people.

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While some individuals and organizations work tirelessly to address poverty, it is true that many people prioritize their own interests over the needs of the poor. The lack of adequate resources and systemic barriers also contribute to the challenges faced by those living in poverty. Efforts to raise awareness and advocate for change are ongoing.

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Q: Is the world by and large insensitive to the plight of the poor?
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Are there more rich people than poor?

In general, there are more people classified as poor or lower income compared to those classified as rich or wealthy. The distribution of wealth and income is typically uneven, with a smaller percentage of the population holding a large majority of the wealth.

What is the definition of poor man?

A poor man typically refers to an individual who has limited financial resources and struggles to meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. This term is often used to describe someone who is living in poverty or experiencing financial hardship.

What are the poor countries in the world?

Some of the poorest countries in the world include countries in sub-Saharan Africa such as Burundi, South Sudan, and Niger, as well as countries in South Asia like Afghanistan and Nepal. These countries often face challenges such as political instability, high levels of poverty, limited access to education and healthcare, and issues related to food insecurity.

Why should Wealthy Countries help Poor Countries?

Wealthy countries should help poor countries because it promotes global stability, contributes to economic growth and market opportunities, and upholds principles of shared humanity and responsibility. Assistance can also address inequality, reduce poverty-driven challenges like conflict and migration, and create a more equitable global community.

What is worse being poor whole life or being rich and then becoming poor?

Both situations have their own challenges. Being poor your whole life can be difficult due to limited resources and opportunities. On the other hand, going from rich to poor can be emotionally and mentally distressing as it involves a significant change in lifestyle and loss of security. Ultimately, it depends on the individual's resilience and support system in either scenario.

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How do you use plight?

The word "plight" refers to a dangerous or difficult situation. She was hoping her charity could do something about the plight of poor children in Africa.

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Like many failed leaders, Obama's plight is his poor performance.

How do you use the word plight in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.I felt sympathy for his plight.The plight of endangered species should touch everyone.The couple will plight their troth next week.

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What was A Christmas Carol adapted from?

It was not adapted from anything of the time. It was a fictional work written by Dickens to highlight the plight of the poor of the time

Why did Steinbeck write about poor people?

John Steinbeck grew up during the Great Depression and was sympathetic to the plight of the poor and wrote about their many experiences during those trying times .

How much money a year is considered poor?

The cost of living varies by a large amount depending on where in the world you live.

What is a meaningful sentence using the word 'involved'?

My friend always gets involved in helping others. The plight of the poor will become more meaningful to you if you will become involved.

Why did Charles Dickens write about plight of the poor?

Charles Dickens wrote about the plight of the poor to shed light on the social injustices and inequalities of his time, and to advocate for social reform. Through his novels, such as "Oliver Twist" and "A Christmas Carol," he aimed to provoke empathy and inspire compassion towards those less fortunate in society.

What made Edmund rice great?

he devoted himself more and more to prayer and charitable work, especially with the poor and marginalised. He was especially drawn to the plight of poor children whose parents could not afford to send them to the paying schools of the time.

What is the paraphrase of the poem the lover of the poor?

The paraphrase of the poem "The Lover of the Poor" is that it describes the plight of the poor and the struggle for justice and equality. It conveys the idea of compassion and solidarity with the marginalized and emphasizes the importance of helping those in need. The poem calls for a society that is more caring and empathetic towards the less fortunate.