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To corrupt a vaccine in Pandemic 2, you can use Genetic Hardening. This ability allows you to make the virus more resistant to any vaccine that is developed, thus hindering efforts to combat it effectively. Keep in mind that the vaccine can still be developed, but it will be less effective against your virus.

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Q: How do you corrupt a vaccine in pandemic 2?
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Nobody knows when the pandemic will stop and you as pregnant will be one of the firsts to be offered vaccine. So you can always fly after the vaccine if you don't feel safe. But there is nothing saying you will get H1N1 on a plane or airport when you just as well can get it at the supermarket at home.

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Not yet

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Go to and find out! The Pandemic but they appear in The Pandemic 2: The Startling.

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Immunization programs and vaccine development. Education of the public about the flu and prevention. Reporting and tracking cases to monitor the spread.

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What was china the first to produce?

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What does the H1N1 vaccine cover?

Originally in 2009 the vaccine for the pandemic swine flu was a monovalent vaccine, which means it was made to only prevent that one type of flu. Then for the 2010-2011 flu season, a trivalent vaccine was made for the regular flu just like every year. Trivalent means it is made to cover/prevent three different kinds of influenza virus infections. For the most recent flu season in the Northern Hemisphere, the "regular" flu shot contained the vaccine for swine flu and two others. So, the monovalent H1N1 vaccine covered only one type of flu: the pandemic swine flu. But the trivalent seasonal flu vaccines cover three types of flu (one of which, for the 2010 - 2011 flu season, is Swine flu H1N1/09).