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Pride in one's country will never go out of style. But you should remember what the pride is in.

1) Do you believe in the founding principles of your country?

2) Do you believe your country's principles are good for all people?

3) Do you believe in your country making or had made the world a better place?

You see pride in your country is not in the ruler's but in the principles of the country.

Example: German's were/are a very proud people, but most of them hated

what fascism (Hitler and the Nazi's) brought to their country.

I hope this helps to answer your question

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4mo ago

Yes, pride in one's country can still have a place in the modern world. It can help foster a sense of unity, identity, and belonging among citizens. However, it should be balanced with respect for diversity, empathy towards others, and a willingness to work towards global cooperation and understanding.

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Does patriotism still exists?

Yes, patriotism still exists in many countries around the world. People continue to feel a deep love, pride, and loyalty towards their country, often demonstrated through a sense of national identity, cultural traditions, and a desire to contribute positively to the nation.

What are some reasons that Patriotism is still important?

Patriotism fosters a sense of unity and community among citizens, promotes national pride and identity, and encourages citizens to support and defend the values and ideals of their country. It can also motivate individuals to contribute positively to society and actively participate in the democratic process.

Why do you show patriotism?

People show patriotism by putting up lots of flags, they show their pride of being an american, they respect our falg, vote, stand and/or remover hats during the Peldge of Allegiance, they know the national anthem, knows the laws of our country, and they SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.

What is the word for a person who rules in the place of the king or queen?

I can think of a few.1. Regent - a regent is someone who is appointed to rule a country while the monarch is unable to do so themselves- usually it's when the monarch is a young child, or is mentally handicapped.2. Viceroy - a viceroy is someone who is appointed to rule a colony for a monarch. The monarch is usually too far away to rule it themselves, so the Viceroy handles it for them.3. Governor-general - very similar to a Viceroy, a governor-general usually rules an independent country that still acknowledges a monarch as their ruler. Canada and Australia, which are independent countries, each have a governor-general who rules the country in the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom.

Who is considered the father of modern polling?

George Gallup is often considered the father of modern polling. He is credited with developing scientific polling methods that are still widely used today, such as random sampling and question wording. Gallup's work in the 1930s helped popularize the use of polls to measure public opinion.

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