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The kingdom of spain was one of the first melting pots in history . Spaniards are a mix of different cultures . Germanic , Celtic , Roman , Iberian , North African , gypsy and jewish . Let’s not forget the basque which are native indigenous europeans. Due to this Spaniards come from different colours. Spain is still welcoming different cultures stirring more this cultural pot . Due to it‘s high human development index ( spain is a developed country) Spain has recently welcomed migrants from ukraine, the uk, romania, North Africa and ‘ Latin America ‘ . But before this migration Spain was already quite tdiverse . ignoring important details we could say that before this migration there were white Spaniards and ‘Mediterranean‘ Spaniards who tend to have gypsy , North African, Sephardic Jewish ancestry or they just have tanned Their skin a lot making it look tawny or quite dark . nevertheless historically even these Mediterranean Spaniar were classified as Caucasoid . But since race is sociological construct these swarthy Spaniards have been deemed inferior . Australia barred their entry to the country but they allowed white or ‘ European ‘ Spaniards to enter the country this also occurred with other mediterranean nations such as portugal , Italy and Greece . so basically there are spaniards with ‘proper ‘ European characteristics . Aka people who in America and australia would be considered white if you look at them with one stare now let’s delve deeper into the cultural definition some people confuse Latino and Hispanic there‘s a huge debate about what Latino means some people say that you’re immediately Latino if you speak a Romance language e.g Italian . others say that Latino means to be from Latin America . Hispanic refers to someone who speaks Spanish as a first language so someone from Equatorial Guinea ( Africa ) is Hispanic but not Latino . According to this perspective . That’s why this ‘theory ‘ classify Spaniards as Hispanics . This theory acknowledges that people from Latino and Hispanic countries can come in different colours so we could have a Spaniard girl who would be hispanic and racially white , black etc . And we could have a chilean guy who would be Latino and racially white , black , brown ( mestizo) ( stereotypically Latino ) etc do you see the pattern ? Nowadays Latino and Hispanic is used more culturally than racially and sometimes in a linguistic way but but the problem with this theory is that it erases cultural and linguistic diversities of these countries like I’ve said before Spain is a melting pot different regions speak different languages than Spanish as their first tongue eg the basque this they wouldn’t be Hispanic . A native South American guy from peru who speaks qechua as his first tongue wouldn’t be Hispanic . they also have different cultures that differ from the Hispanic or Latino one summing up the categories Hispanic and Latino erases the diversity of these countries assuming that everyone speaks Spanish as their first language and the assume the whole population shares a single culture erasing the stories of migrants who settled those territories and have contributed greatly to shaping the culture of each country

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Spaniards are typically considered white/European in terms of race. Spain has a diverse population due to historical and cultural influences, but the majority of Spaniards would be categorized as white.

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Spaniards are Spanish people.

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Q: Are Spaniards white people
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Who are the spanidards?

The Spaniards are people from Spain, a country located in southwestern Europe. They have a rich cultural heritage, including traditions, art, music, and language that reflect their history. Spaniards are known for their passion, love of food, and lively celebrations like festivals and flamenco dancing.

What are the kinds of Spaniards?

Spaniards can be broadly categorized into different groups based on various factors such as geographical location, cultural heritage, and language. Some common categories include Castilians, Catalans, Basques, Andalusians, and Galicians. These groups often have distinct traditions, dialects, and cultural practices that contribute to the rich diversity of Spanish society.

What kind of abuses does the Spaniards do to the Filipinos?

During the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, the Spaniards committed various abuses against the Filipinos, including forced labor, land seizure, high taxation, suppression of native culture and traditions, and violent repression of uprisings against Spanish rule. They also imposed discriminatory social hierarchies that favored Spaniards and marginalized Filipino natives.

What percent of Wisconsin population is white 2012?

In 2012, approximately 86% of Wisconsin's population identified as white.

What is the racial bribe?

The term "racial bribe" refers to the perceived benefits or advantages that white people receive as a result of societal systems and structures that privilege whiteness. It suggests that white individuals can unknowingly benefit from racism and discrimination, even if they do not actively participate in or support it.

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Are white Spaniards considered causians or are they considered Hispanics?

White Spaniards are considered Caucasian because they belong to the white racial category. Being Hispanic refers to people from Spanish-speaking countries, so white Spaniards can also be considered Hispanic due to their national origin in Spain.

Are Spaniards considered white or hispanic?

Hispanic means that South Americans are of Spanish descent and Spaniards are Europeans which means there are considered White

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They are Indians (Tainos), White (Spaniards), and Black (Africans).

What were the first people in Spain called?

The people of Spain are called Spanish or Spaniards.

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Spaniards born in the Philippines are called "Filipino-Spaniards" or "Criollos".

Are Spaniards people from Spain?

They are.

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Spaniards is the word used to describe a group of people from Spain.We stayed in the hostel with a large group of Spaniards, who were so friendly.The Spaniards are a funny bunch aren't they Geoffrey.

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Spaniards are (not were) people who live in Spain.

Are Spaniards snobs?

Not all Spaniards are snobs. Like in any country, there may be individuals who display snobbish behavior, but it would be inaccurate to generalize an entire group of people based on individual traits. Spaniards, like people from any country, come from diverse backgrounds and have different personalities.

What do they call people in Spain?

try Spaniards spainards:)