Yes, local winds can change at night due to temperature differences causing variations in pressure. During the day, land heats up faster than water, leading to sea breezes; at night, the opposite occurs, creating land breezes. These wind patterns can vary depending on local geography and weather conditions.
valley pressure
valley pressure
Local and prevailing wind
the wind in your city or region of the place you are at.
The wind is blowing rain and fronts all over the place. Without wind,the weather would never change
Waves are made in the daytime the same way they are made at nighttime. Primarily by wind, and occasionally by seismic shocks.
The greatest change in wind direction in the eastern part of the country often occurs along the coastline or near mountainous areas where local topography can influence wind patterns. Additionally, areas near weather systems such as low-pressure systems or cold fronts can also experience significant changes in wind direction.