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Calypso feels that the other gods are jealous that she has a mortal lover, and gets frustrated that they will never let the gods love mortals peaceably, even though they often take mortal lovers themselves.

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Calypso gets frustrated with the other gods because they interfere in mortal affairs, causing chaos and suffering. She believes they should focus on their own responsibilities and not meddle in the lives of humans.

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Q: Why does Calypso get frustrated with the other gods?
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Why is calypso angry with Hermes?

Calypso is angry with Hermes because he brings news from the gods that she must release Odysseus from her island against her wishes. She feels betrayed and frustrated by the order to let him go after falling in love with him.

Why did calypso get angry with the gods?

She is angry with the gods because she is immortal but she is not allowed to fall in love with a mortal unlike the the other gods.

Calypso is angry with Hermes when he informs her that she must let Odysseus leave her island. Explain some of her reasons for being upset.?

Calypso is upset because she genuinely loves Odysseus and does not want to lose him. She also feels that the gods are being unfair by dictating who she can and cannot keep on her island. Additionally, she is frustrated that male gods like Hermes have more power and influence over her fate.

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Zeus is not directly related to Calypso. Calypso is a nymph in Greek mythology who is known for holding Odysseus captive on her island in Homer's "Odyssey." Zeus is the king of the gods and does not have a familial relationship with Calypso.

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Hermes is sent down to Calypso, telling her that the gods wish for her to release Odysseus. Therefore, it is Calypso who allows Odysseus to leave, not Odysseus who 'manages to say no.'

What are the abilities or powers of Calypso from Greek mythology?

she was absolutley beautiful but supported her father knonos in the war of the gods and titans so the gods sent to exile eventhough she regretted it. and she wasent a god

What message did Hermes deliver to calypso?

Hermes delivered a message from Zeus to Calypso, instructing her to release Odysseus from her island and let him continue his journey back home to Ithaca. Zeus ordered this in response to pleas from Athena and the other gods.

What is calypso reaction to having to let Odysseus go?

Initially, Calypso becomes angry, but does not want to anger the gods by disobeying and ultimately agrees to let him go.

Who does Zeus send to calypso with a message?

Naturally he sends the messenger of the gods: Hermes.

What does the goddess Calypso do in greek mythology?

In the Odyssey, she keeps Odysseus on her island and refuses to let him carry on with his travels home to ithaca. This all happens in book 5, and Ogygia (were Calypso lives) is in fact the first place we see Odysseus within the Odyssey. After an assembly by the Gods, Hermes (the Gods messenger) informs Calypso she must let Odysseus go, and then she informs Odysseus to craft a raft in order to leave the island. IN OTHER WORDS- she wasn't a godess at all.