Rosemary Rhoades has written: 'Milkwood Co-operative Ltd' -- subject(s): Milkwood Co-operative Ltd
David was awarded the BAFFTA for work done on the film Under Milkwood
Jules Verne wrote Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
Colin Hay & Ron Strykert of Men at Work wrote the song "Down Under"
David Bowie!
Robert Yates wrote the paper under the pseudonym "Brutus".
i did
Mercy Otis Warren was the female patriot who wrote newspaper articles. She wrote under the name A Columbian Patriot.
She published under the pen name Ellis Bell.
under the sun
The poem featured in the Night Driving advert is "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. It reflects on the choices we make in life and the paths we take, symbolized by choosing between two roads in a forest. This poem captures the idea of individuality and the importance of making our own decisions.
Cole Porter wrote the song 'If I Had You Under My Skin :-)