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In Milton's "Paradise Regained," Jesus Christ is the hero. The poem focuses on his temptation in the desert by Satan and his eventual victory over evil. Jesus is portrayed as the ultimate hero embodying virtues of humility, strength, and righteousness.

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Q: Who is the hero in Miltons paradise regained?
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Related questions

When was Paradise Regained created?

Paradise Regained was created in 1671.

Who is the author of Paradise Regained?

The author of Paradise Regained is John Milton. He is also the author of Paradise Lost.

What is John Miltons famous epic work?

Paradise Lost

Paradise Regained was written by?

The poem Paradise Regained was written by John Milton as a sequel to his famous classic Paradise Lost.

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Who wrote paradise regained?

The poet John Milton wrote "Paradise Regained", he also wrote the famous English epic "Paradise Lost" in 1652

Did Giovanni Boccaccio wrote both Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained 1671?

No, Giovanni Boccaccio did not write Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, which were actually written by John Milton in 1671. Boccaccio was an Italian writer known for his work "The Decameron," a collection of novellas.

Who is hero of paradise lost actually?

Satan in book 1 and 2 after this... his character begins to fade and ADAM is the true hero of paradise lost.

What actors and actresses appeared in Paradise Regained - 2009?

The cast of Paradise Regained - 2009 includes: Michael De Nola as Rufus Abdullah Norm Golden as Bernard Snow Jo Mei as Qian Hui

How many more books is Milton's 1667 epic masterpiece then the connected work that was published in 1671?

John Milton's epic masterpiece "Paradise Lost" published in 1667 consists of twelve books. Its connected work "Paradise Regained" published in 1671 consists of only four books. Therefore, "Paradise Lost" has eight more books than "Paradise Regained."

What has the author Doran William Cannon written?

Doran William Cannon has written: 'Paradise Regained'

What was losted and regained by poet John Milton?

John Milton lost his eyesight due to progressive blindness, but he regained his spiritual vision through his epic poem "Paradise Lost," which explores themes of sin, redemption, and the struggle between good and evil.