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In Greek mythology, Melantho was one of Penelope's maids in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey." She is known for her disloyalty to Penelope and her affair with the suitors. Ultimately, she meets a tragic end when she is hanged for her betrayal.

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Who is the father of Melantho and Melanthius?

Dolius is the father of Melantho and Melanthius.

With which suitor is the maid Melantho having an affair?

Melantho is having an affair with Eurymachus in "The Odyssey" by Homer.

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What page of the Odyssey did melantho betray Penelope?

Melantho's betrayal of Penelope is described in Book 18 of the Odyssey, starting around line 321. This betrayal involves Melantho disrespecting Penelope by speaking rudely to her and displaying loyalty to the suitors rather than her queen.

Who was melantho in regards to The Odyssey?

Melantho, sister of Melanthius, acted a lot like her brother and she did not like Odysseus. When he was in the palace disguised as a beggar she abused him. She didn't follow anything that he said and she instead listened to the suitors. Penelope liked Melantho and she was her favorite maid. After Odysseus killed the suitors he made the unfaithful maids clean up, Melantho being one of them. Then, he killed all the unfaithful maids by hanging them. Hope this helps :)

What is the name of the young servant girl raised by Penelope who betrays her and conspires with the suitors?

come^ I have no idea what that means. I believe the answer you're looking for is:C. Melantho (referringto the epics by Homer).

What is the name of Penelope's servant in The Odyssey?

There's Eurynome, who is the old lady that helped raise Telemachus and even Odysseus himself. But the bad servant who messes around with the suitors is Melanthe (or Melantho)

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Antinous, one of the suitors, scorns Odysseus when he sees him in the great hall of his home. Antinous insults Odysseus and throws a stool at him, displaying his disrespectful and arrogant behavior towards the returning king.

Who was waiting for Odysseus in Ithaca?

Penelope, his wifeTelemachus, his son (although he later embarks on a journey away from Ithaca)Laertes, his fatherArgus, his hunting dog.Anticlea, his mother (who later died before Odysseus came back)Many of Odysseus' servants, at least for some time:Eumaeus, the swineherdEurycleia, Odysseus' old nursePhiloetiusSome of the maidsThe following give up hope on Odysseus ever returning:Melanthius, the goat herdMany of the young woman servants including Melantho, Melanthius' sister.

Who were Pandoras realatives?

Pandora was born of clay sculpted by the gods: her husband was Epimetheus the Titan god of after-thought. Pyrrha was the daughter of Pandora, and her husband was Deucalion - the son of Prometheus (brother of Epimetheus) and Hesione/Pronoea or Asia/Clymene. These two, after the Great Deluge had to used thrown stones to create men (Deucalion) and women (Pyrrha): Their actual children were Hellen, King of Phtrhia in Thessaly who some claim the son of Zeus. Another son was Amphictyon, King of Attica and Orestheus. Their daughters were Pandora who was named for her Grandmother and loved by Zeus and had a son in Graecus. Melantho who mated with Poseidon and had Delphus, founder of the Delphi. Thyia who mated with Zeus and produced Magnes and Macedon. Another daughter was Protogeneia who with Zeus had Opus and Aethlius.

What character traits does Penelope reveal in her interactions with Odysseus disguised as a beggar?

Penelope reveals her loyalty, cleverness, and cunning in her interactions with Odysseus disguised as a beggar. She is cautious yet hopeful, testing the beggar's knowledge of Odysseus before revealing her true feelings. Penelope also shows her strength and resilience in her unwavering commitment to her husband's return.