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Venus. She wanted to prevent Psyche and Eros (Cupid) from being together.

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5mo ago

In the story of Cupid and Psyche, the main antagonists are Psyche's jealous sisters who try to undermine her happiness and relationship with Cupid. Additionally, Venus, the goddess of love and Cupid's mother, can also be seen as an antagonist due to her disapproval of Psyche and her actions to keep them apart.

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Q: Who are the antagonist characters of cupid and psyche story?
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Who are the main characters of the story intitled cupid and psyche?

cupid and psuche

Who is the author of the story Cupid and Psyche?

'Cupid and Psyche' was written by Apuleius.

What is the setting of the story of Cupid and Psyche?

The setting is very vague. The characters do not depend on any scenery.

What is the imagery in the story of Cupid and psyche?

Psyche, the soul, seeks love; being Cupid.

Who was Psyche related to?

In the story of Cupid and Psyche she had human parents.

The woman who married Eros?

Psyche did in the story of Cupid and Psyche.

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How is the problem in the story cupid and psyche be solved?

In the story of Cupid and Psyche, the problem is resolved when Psyche overcomes various trials set by Venus, Cupid's mother. Ultimately, through her determination, love, and loyalty, Psyche proves her worthiness to be with Cupid and earns her place in the gods' favor. The resolution of the story highlights the power of love, trust, and perseverance to overcome challenges.

What does cupid and psyche have in common?

Cupid and Psyche are characters from Roman mythology who were involved in a romantic relationship despite challenges and obstacles. Their story symbolizes themes of love, trust, and perseverance, and is often interpreted as an allegory for the soul's journey towards union with the divine.

Who saves Lucius at the end of the story of Cupid and Psyche?

Lucius isn't IN the story of Cupid and Psyche. The most well-known version of the story is attributed TO him. His name was Lucius Apuleius.

What is the tone and mood in cupid and psyche?

The tone in "Cupid and Psyche" is typically romantic and fantastical, with elements of myth and fantasy. The mood can vary throughout the story, from suspenseful and mysterious to uplifting and magical as the love story between Cupid and Psyche unfolds.

What is the best rising action of the story cupid and psyche?

The best rising action in the story of Cupid and Psyche is when Psyche disobeys Cupid's warning not to look at him while he sleeps, leading to his departure and leaving Psyche alone and heartbroken. This event sets off a chain of trials and tribulations for Psyche as she tries to win back Cupid's love and ultimately prove her worthiness to the gods.