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printing press

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The printing press invention by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century directly contributed to the rise in literacy rates as it made books, including Shakespeare's poems, more widely available and affordable. This led to the circulation of his works and the spread of secular ideas among the population, ultimately fostering intellectual growth and development.

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Q: Which innovation led directly to the literacy rates rise Shakespeares poems circulated and secular ideas spread?
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How did the printing press lead to further innovation?

The printing press revolutionized the spread of information by allowing for mass production of books and documents. This led to increased literacy rates and the sharing of ideas, which in turn fostered further innovation in various fields such as science, art, and literature. The accessibility of knowledge sparked creativity and inspired individuals to build upon existing ideas, accelerating innovation across society.

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LITERACY['litərəsi]n грамотност

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Literacy is a noun.