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Ismael Beah was away in another town called "Mattru Jong" with his brother, Junior & their friend Talloi. They went there to take part in a talent show. And that is where Ismael meets Khalilou.

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When rebels attack Mogbwemo, Beah is on a walk with his brother and friends. They are forced to run for their lives and are separated during the chaos. Beah eventually ends up alone and must navigate through the conflict-ridden area to survive.

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When was Beah first touched by war in a long way gone?

Ishmael Beah was first touched by the brutal realities of war in Sierra Leone when rebels attacked his village in 1993, forcing him to flee and leaving him separated from his family at the age of 12.

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In chapter twelve of "A Long Way Gone" by Ishmael Beah, his rap cassette tape is destroyed during an ambush by the rebels. This loss represents the shattering of his connection to his past life and serves as a metaphor for the destruction of his innocence and childhood.

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The purpose of details prior to the attack is to put the reader in the setting. The details help the reader to understand where everything is and exactly what is happening during the attack.

What is the purpose of the details in the setting prior to the attack on Beah's hometown?

The purpose of details prior to the attack is to put the reader in the setting. The details help the reader to understand where everything is and exactly what is happening during the attack.

What is the name of Ishmael's village?

Ishmael's village is called Mogbwemo.

How was ishmael beah vitimized?

Ishmael Beah was victimized during the civil war in Sierra Leone when he was forcibly recruited as a child soldier by rebel forces. He was subjected to violence, deprivation, and emotional trauma while being forced to fight in the conflict. Beah's experiences shaped his memoir, "A Long Way Gone," which sheds light on the horrors of war and child soldiering.

Why does Beah use flashbacks intead of revealing events chronologically?

Beah uses flashbacks in his memoir "A Long Way Gone" to create a sense of suspense and intrigue for the reader. By revealing snippets of his past in a non-linear fashion, he builds anticipation and engages the reader in piecing together his journey from child soldier to survivor. This technique also allows Beah to explore the emotional and psychological impact of his experiences in a more nuanced way.