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Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter as part of a political alliance after he became king of Israel. The marriage took place around the beginning of Solomon's reign as a way to secure peace and strengthen diplomatic ties between Egypt and Israel.

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Q: When did Solomon marry Pharaoh's daughter?
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If you really want to marry your uncles grandaughter.It is not illegal.

What were the results of Solomon marrying the daughter of a pharaoh?

This is delved in mystery. She is most the daughter of a foreign king who conquered Egypt and called himself pharaoh of Egypt. This would still make her an "Egyptian" princess. And this means rather being pure Egyptian, she could be Tanis, Libyan, Persian, Nubian or Greek. We do know She was roughly from the 21st dynasty-the early 27th dynasty of Egypt. Pharaohs chose the husbands of their daughters until the 26th dynasty, where women chose their own husbands. If Solomon married his Egyptian queen in the 26th dynasty, it may have been the princess's Own choice to marry him to seal an alliance. She may be Princess Tashere or Niacaule, daughter of Libyan Pharaoh Shoshenq I of the 22nd dynasty. However, she may be a daughter of Seti I or Ramsses II of the 19th dynasty. A likely canidate for Solomon's Egyptian wife is the unnamed daughter of Ahmose II of the 26th dynasty. She was supposed to be the wife of a Persian king, however, her father gave the daughter of the previous pharaoh as wife to the Persian king. We do not hear any more of this mysterious princess, so it is possible she wanted to marry Solomon instead of the Persian king, hence why Ahmose II did such a thing. Herodtus said her name was Nitetis, and described her as being "tall and beautiful." Ahmose II was of common orgins, if his daughter was married off to solomon, he wasn't as offended as Amenhotep II was, who would not give his daughter over to a foreign king, Ahmose II would not have been as pressured to keep dynastic purity. However, his daughter's name is still a question mark, Herodtus said her name was Nitetis, then others say she was the daughter or wife of the previous pharaoh. Another canidate is the Lady Sharelli, of Pharaoh Horemheb's court. But she was not the daughter of Horemheb, his only daughter was by Mutnedjmet, sister of Queen Nefertiti, his daughter was Queen Nefertari, wife of Ramses II. Lady Sharelli was married to a Western Asian ruler, so she is crossed out as a canidate. Solomon's principal wife, the Pharaoh's daughter had her own palace, which archelogists have found. In the palace shows a seated female Egyptian of high rank... Pharaoh's daughter, Solomon's wife.

How does a pharaoh chooses his wife?

The pharaohs would marry their girl family members or their daughters.

Is bloody marry daughter of Queen Elizabeth?

no she is the daughter of Ghandi

Who many kids did Solomon Juneau have?

Solomon Juneau had two children, a daughter named Josette and a son named Paul.

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Can i marry grandmothers sisters daughter?

go ahead if you want to marry your aunt

Why moses was called the son of pharaoh's daughter?

As the Pharaohs daughter found he baby in the reeds, she then adopted the baby.