Some words that start and end with the letter K are:kayakkickkinfolkkinkkioskknackknapsackknock
Some compound words that start with K are:keepsakekettledrumkeyboardkeychainkickoffkindheartedknickknackknockoff
Some common girls names that start with K are Karen and Kendra. Many names that start with a C can be written with a K, so Christina could be written as Kristina. Finally, there are many foreign names that start with a K, for example Kalena is the Hawaiian version of Karen.
K-Dubb :)
Silent consonants are words that are spelled with silent letters. Example: Knife - the k is silent - and it is pronounced "nife" but is spelled knife
Some five letter words that start with K are:kabobkapokkaputkayakkazookhakiknavekneelknifeknockkrill
One example of two words that have alliteration, consonance, assonance, and rhyme is "slick trick." The repetition of the "k" sound creates alliteration and consonance, while the short "i" sound provides assonance and the words rhyme with each other.
List of 4 letter words that start with the letter "K"KneeKnowKeenKilnKeepKingKnitKiteKeel
"king " start in k in history vocabulary