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6mo ago

The word "voracious" rhymes with "vivacious" and means having a strong desire or appetite. An alternative word that means happy or joyful is "delirious."

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Q: What word rhymes with vivacious but means happy or joy full?
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How would you Use Vivacious in a sentence?

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Is vivacious positive mood or negative mood?

positive it means full of life

What word means full of life?

Vital is often interpreted to mean "full of life". Vivacious, vigorous.

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Sure! Here are some happy boy rhymes: Jump for joy, happy boy Smiles all around, never a frown Full of glee, so carefree Heart of gold, never cold

How do you use word vivacious?

You can use the word "vivacious" to describe someone who is lively, high-spirited, or full of energy. For example, you could say, "She has a vivacious personality that lights up the room."

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The word "bright" rhymes with fight and can also mean beautiful or full of light.

Personality traits that start with V?

Versatile: Able to adapt and excel in various situations. Vibrant: Full of energy, enthusiasm, and liveliness. Vivacious: Lively and spirited in personality and behavior.

Is gleeful an adjective?

Yes, it is. It means "full of glee" - happy or joyful.

What is the meaning of sprightly?

spright·ly/ˈsprītlē/ AdjectiveLively; full of energy.Synonymslively - vivacious - brisk - spirited - merry - animated

What is a synonym for vivaciours?

Synonyms for the word vivacious: lively, spirited, active, alert, animated, bouncy, bubbling, cheerful, ebullient, effervescent, exuberant, full of life,happy, high-spirited, jolly, lighthearted, merry, playful, sparkling, sportive, swinging,vibrant, vital, zesty

What is the meaning of the quote 3 pockets full of shine?

it means your happy and you kow it. Clap your hands.

What does merrier mean?

To be merry is to be happy or cheery. Merrier means happier, or more full of joy.