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The literary movement was known as the Harlem Renaissance. It was a cultural and artistic movement that took place in the 1920s in Harlem, New York. The movement showcased the creativity and talent of African American writers, poets, and artists, and highlighted themes of self-respect, pride, and defiance in the face of racial discrimination and Jim Crow laws.

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Q: What was the name of the literary movement based in Harlem New York which featured new Negro poetry and literature that emphasizes self-respect and defiance under Jim Crow law?
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What was the name of the new literary movement based in Harlem New York which featured New Negro poetry and literature that emphasized self-respect and defiance under the Jim Crow laws?

It was called the Harlem Renaissance.

What was the name of the new literary movement based in Harlem New York which featured New Negro poetry and literature thaat emphasized self-respect and defiance under the Jim Crow laws?

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