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The poem is about a raven's midnight journey to a scholar's chamber.

but the meaning is this:

Theme: loss and remorse.

  • Edgar Allan Poe lost many people through out his lifetime. during the time he wrote "The Raven" his wife was dying and he was heavily drinking. Lenore does NOT represet a specific person. she represents any number of people (mom, dad, brother, sister, wife, lover, etc)
  • throught the poem the scholar asks whether he will ever see Lenore again, will he be happy again, did lenore get to heaven, etc.

Raven: The raven merely represents the dark unforgetting miserable side of the narrator himself.

  • The narrator fully aknowledges the fact that the raven will reply "Nevermore" to any question he asks it. With this, the narrator proceeds to ask the raven the above questions (fully knowing the sad and terrible answer he will get).
  • In this way the entier poem is about the narrator realizing that he will never again be happy ("take thy form from off my door!" with the reply "nevermore") signalling that the dark and ghastly raven will never leave the "unmerciful master" (which is infact the narrator.

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" is about a man grieving for the loss of his love , Lenore , and is going mad from her loss
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11y ago
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5mo ago

"The Raven" is a narrative poem by Edgar Allan Poe that tells the story of a man mourning the loss of his lover, Lenore. A mysterious raven visits the man, driving him to madness as he questions the nature of his existence and his grief. The poem explores themes of loss, mourning, and the unknown.

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8y ago

" The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, is about a man who lost his wife. As he is sitting on a chair a pesky raven comes knocking at his door; the main character/ the writer is hoping its Lenore who is knocking (Lenore is his former wife). Being in extreme loneliness the writer jumps up to see who is at the door. When the writer answers the door, its only the raven. Time after time the raven comes knocking. The raven is a symbol; of false hope as well the writer is being haunted from the loss of his wife and the raven also symbolizes the thought of his wife coming back.

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10y ago

What the raven is about is the speakers wife coming back and representing herself as the raven. If you notice in the firt stanza he starts by telling a story and the raven never leaves because he was illusinating it because it represented somenbody meaning his wife. The raven was like the devil. written by an 8th grade student

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14y ago

The poem, The Raven was by Edgar Allen Poe. It is about a person who is lonely and grieving for his long lost Lenore. He hears a tapping and a raven flies through his window landing on his bust of Pallas above his chamber door. The person goes on about his lost Lenore, yet everytime he says something the raven says 'nevermore' correspondingly. That is all the raven says. The poem ends like this:

And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor

Shall be lifted - nevermore!

You must read it to get the full meaning.

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7y ago

Poe was mourning the loss of a beautiful woman.

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