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βˆ™ 5mo ago

The statement "This there is none but he whose being you do fear" uses personification, attributing human qualities to something non-human. It personifies the concept of fear, suggesting that fear is a living being.

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Q: What type of figurative language is 'This there is none but he whose being you do fear'?
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One example of figurative language in Stephen King's writing is the use of similes. For instance, in "It", King describes a character's fear as being "like a cold hand reaching into his chest". This simile helps to create a vivid and emotional image for the reader.

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Yes, there are examples of figurative language in the book "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen. For example, when the author describes emotions using metaphors such as "a storm raging inside her" or "a knot in her stomach," that is an example of figurative language. Figurative language helps create vivid imagery and convey complex emotions.

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This is such a great word in the English language - use it at your next trivia party: Aichurophobia - fear of being touched by pointed objects

What is the biggest hindrance in learning a second language?

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Is the book no fear book Shakespeare finally an ar book?

The No Fear Shakespeare series is intended as a simplified rewriting of Shakespeare's plays for those whose command of the English language is not up to dealing with the original. However, for someone with the lack of literacy displayed in the writing of this question, even the No Fear series may be beyond their comprehension.

Fear of being in the dark?

The fear of being in the dark is Lygophobia. The fear of dark or night is Nyctophobia.

What is the fear of being hurt?

Algophobia is the fear of feeling or being in pain.

What type of figurative language is Johnny was scared of his own shadow...?

This is an example of hyperbole, which is an exaggeration or overstatement to emphasize a point. It conveys the extreme fear Johnny experiences in a humorous or dramatic way by suggesting that even his shadow frightens him.