He ate too much yesterday. That explains why he is unwell today.
signs or symptoms child is unwell
The prefix UN--meaning NOT. UNWELL--not well Example: She felt unwell after running in the midst of the heavy torrent.
Yes. Although "well" is the adverb form of the adjective "good," unwell is the opposite of the adjective "well" that means "healthy." Unwell cannot be an adverb: you would use badly or poorly.
"Not well" is not a word...it is a two word phrase. Both "not well" and "unwell" are correct.
you snail is unwell.
if you feel unwell :S
When you are unwell you act the opposite of when your well. For instance; if when you're well your average day consists of listening to music, going to the park and hanging out with friends. When you are unwell you don't turn the radio on, you don't go outside and you don't feel like hanging out with friends. It is important to know when you are well. If you should feel yourself going into unwell you can begin taking steps to stop the unwell changes, or at least make them minimal. Do a search on W.R.A.P. It can explain in detail well and not well.
Are you serious? Take your dog to a vet if it is unwell. Where is the common sense? Are you serious? Take your dog to a vet if it is unwell. Where is the common sense?
Kipper - 1997 Kipper Is Unwell 2-9 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G