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A bauble is a small, decorative trinket. An example sentence would be: She keeps her bauble collection on the tall shelf.
A bauble is a showy little trinket,decoration or toy of little value. In medieval times a bauble was the baton used as an emblem by jesters.
My grandfather bought a bauble on the clearance rack at Montgomery Ward.
Some of the synonyms for the word - bauble are curio, doodad, gewgaw and gimcrack. Trifle, novelty, whatnot and knickknack are also synonyms for bauble.
Do you mean bauble, as in a trinket or knick-knack?une bibelot, une bricole, une babioleOr do you mean bauble as in a Christmas bauble or Christmas ornament?une décoration de Noël
Jewel. Gem.
Bauble town
Jerome Bosch.