Lancelot never falls in love because he is devoted to serving Arthur and believes that love would distract him from his duty and loyalty to the king. He also fears that love could make him vulnerable to weakness and betrayal, like he has seen happen to other knights. Ultimately, Lancelot sees love as a potential obstacle to his chivalric ideals and code of honor.
Sir Lancelot was granted knighthood for his heroic deeds in the battlefield.
give reasons why blendig is done
Yes, you should never give out any accounts for many reasons. Some reasons are: you might want to play again, the recipient may do bad things with the account.
no never give up no never give up no never give up no never give up
So, that he could be saved from Shax the source's assassin. They never state why the doctor must die but they give possible reasons.
Claudio explains that he hadn't previously considered marriage, was focused on his military duties, and didn't want to be distracted by thoughts of love and romance.
Never give up, never give in.
Yes, there are people who start college trying to become a nurse but (for a variety of reasons) do not complete the training and never become a nurse.
He feels that Arthur and his men are overmatched.
Yes, he was a king in the twelfth century. According to some legends, Lancelot married a woman named Iblis. He ruled as king over her kingdom.
The falling coins are coins you randomly find while plowing. Usually they give you 100 coins.
never means never . we should preserve our culture n non other than HINDI should be our official language.