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Shadow and waves

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In the lines "By women wailing for her demon-lover!" the pair of words "wailing" and "demon" create assonance through the repetition of the long "a" sound.

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Q: What pair of words in these lines from Kublai Kain does Samuel Taylor Coleridge use to create assonance?
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Which human sound does the assonance between fast and pants echo in these lines from Kubla Kahn by Samuel Taylor Coleridge?

The assonance between "fast" and "pants" in these lines from "Kubla Khan" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge echoes the sound of someone breathing quickly or panting, which conveys a sense of urgency or agitation. This assonance enhances the feeling of tension and excitement in the poem's imagery.

What nicknames did Samuel Taylor Coleridge go by?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge went by Col.

Who wrote the rime of the ancient mariner?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

When did Samuel Coleridge-Taylor die?

September 1, 1912; note this refers to Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (Afro-English composer) not Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the poet.

What is Samuel Coleridge-Taylor's birthday?

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor was born on August 15, 1875.

When was Samuel Coleridge-Taylor born?

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor was born on August 15, 1875.

What is Samuel Taylor Coleridge's birthday?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born on October 21, 1772.

When was Samuel Taylor Coleridge born?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born on October 21, 1772.

When did Samuel Taylor Coleridge die?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge died on July 25, 1834 at the age of 61.

Is Samuel taylor coleridge a romantic poet?

Yes, Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet who specialised in the Romance genre .

How old was Samuel Taylor Coleridge at death?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge died on July 25, 1834 at the age of 61.

How many brothers and sisters did Samuel Taylor coleridge have?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge had ten siblings, including five brothers and five sisters.