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Metamorphosis is a prominent theme in 'A Man I am'. The actions conducted by the 'I ran ' creates a locomotive transition (within time frame) from Wolf to Man.

Moreover, Fallibility of man is a great concern illustrated in third paragraph 'burden of my sin'; that is why we look upon Him for edification of our conducts.

But irony is just as prevalent as in rest of the poems by Stevie Smith, if man is mortal plus fallible how can the invention i.e. 'Him' (The God) be trusted or belief.

The relevance of Spirituality is placed at the apex of literary knife of Stevie Smith.

In Nutshell the themes are: Transformation, Transition, Fallibility and Spiritualistic Dependence.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

The theme of the poem "a man i am" by Stevie Smith revolves around self-discovery, identity, and the constant questioning of one's existence. The speaker grapples with the complexities of being human, the search for meaning in life, and the struggle to understand one's purpose in the world. The poem reflects a sense of introspection and uncertainty about the nature of being.

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