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In the poem Dreams by Langston Hughes, the narrator is advising the reader to never stop dreaming and to never give up on a dream. The reason for this is because he/she feels that the world is a very depressing place, but dreams can make it wondrous and exciting ("Life is a broken-winged bird/ That cannot fly").

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12y ago
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3mo ago

The theme of "A Dream Deferred" by Langston Hughes is the consequences of postponing or neglecting one's dreams. Through vivid imagery and questions, Hughes explores the emotions and conflicts that arise when dreams are delayed, leading to frustration, disappointment, and potential destruction. The poem encourages reflection on the importance of pursuing one's aspirations before they wither away.

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8y ago

In the poem Dreams by Langston Hughes, Hughes explores the idea that without dreams, life is without meaning. Hughes's poem expresses that one can't give up on dreams and without dreams life is a waste. Hughes first express the need for dream in the first 4 lines when he says:

Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.

These 4 lines show that he thinks that life without dreams is a waste, like a "broken-winged bird/ That cannot fly" (Hughes 3-4). Next Hughes compares a life without dreams to a cold barren field when he says, "For when dreams go/ Life is a barren field/ Frozen with snow" (Hughes 6-8). In this part of the poem, Hughes compares a loss of dreams to a barren field while expressing that without dreams, nothing can happen, because being like a barren field, nothing will ever grow.

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9y ago

The theme of A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes is pondering about what happens when people don't follow their dreams. It suggests that it may lead to crushing ones spirit or, on the other hand, they may just fade away and end up as a sweet memory. The poem leaves the reader to decide.

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15y ago

The Theme simply has to postpone one's deepest dreams and desires can lead to destruction of ones self.

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13y ago

Don't ever give up on goals and dreams in your life. Keep it strong and it will help you, instead of suffer.

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14y ago

It is about chasing your dreams and trying to keep up with it and be tenacious with it. Otherwise it will leave you and you may not get another chance, since life is hard.

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10y ago

The theme of Dream Variations, by Langston Hughes is a wish that discrimination by race did not exist. The poem juxtaposes the working personÃ?s dreams and realities in a lyrical way.

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