Bugsy Malone: Have you eaten?
Blousey Brown: Ever since I was a kid.
Bugsy Malone: Then how come you're so skinny, wisey?
Blousey Brown: Because I watch my weight.
Bugsy Malone: Yeah, I do that when I'm broke too.
Kate Malone's most famous piece of art work is The Blackberry Teapot.
It's called the "I have a dream" speech. The most famous quote is "We Shall overcome." Some consider "I have a dream" to be the most famous quote from that speech.
There is probably not one most famous quote, but a very popular one is "The days are just packed!"
His Most Famous Quote Is 'Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a Follower Thank you
The quote was "Eat, or be eaten"
His most famous quote is probably "to be or not to be"
I'd have to say that his most famous quote, which he was remembered for was "A complete Though Bloody Victory".
A quote from Thales is,"the most difficult thing in life to know is yourself."
what are some famous speeches by beverly cleary
I have a dream
doesn't have one
u suk