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It means that you don't have to be surrounded by stone and iron to find yourself in a prison or in a cage...

The strongest bars are not made of iron...but of your own fears.

People go about their day to day lives never brave enough to step off the path and live their life against the grain. They're locked inside a cage of their own creation and they don't even realize it. They don't know what it truly means to be free.

From the other side: freedom comes from within, from your attitude. Stone walls can not deny your inner freedom. See the Stoic, Epictetus's writings as well on this topic.

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5mo ago

This quote from Richard Lovelace's poem "To Althea, from Prison" suggests that true freedom comes from within, and cannot be constrained by physical barriers. It emphasizes the power of the mind and spirit to transcend external limitations and maintain inner liberty even in difficult circumstances.

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Q: What is the meaning of the quote stone walls do not a prison make nor iron bars a cage?
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