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Q: What is the meaning of the figurative language in these lines?
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Figurative language is language with a literal meaning and a meaning.?


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Figurative language

The ambush in the title has a literal meaning the ambush that takes place in the jungle and a figurative meaning the way the past keeps ambushing the narrator This type of figurative language is a?

This type of figurative language is symbolism.

The words in figurative language?

are not used for their literal meaning

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Is Figurative Language the same as a quote?

What type of figurative language is Horton's quote, "I'm light as a feather"?

What is the diffferences between literal language and figurative language?

Literal language is language that conveys the exact meaning of the words used, while figurative language uses words to create a different effect, often conveying a deeper or more imaginative meaning. Literal language is straightforward and factual, while figurative language relies on comparisons, exaggerations, or associations to convey meaning.

Is dialect figurative language?

Dialect is not figurative language. Dialect refers to the way a language is spoken in a particular region or by a specific group of people, while figurative language uses words or expressions to convey a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation.

What type of figurative language is one foot on the ground?

That is an idiom (an expression or saying particular to a region that has a figurative meaning).

Which type of figurative language is found in lines?

It is a line of a sentence that is using to unlike words

What is the definition of figurative?

Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. It is used to create a more vivid or imaginative picture in the mind of the reader or listener. Examples include similes, metaphors, and personification.

Words or phrases that have a literal and a symbolic meaning are known as?

figurative language