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Human life is a momentary bubble which may burst at any time, but nature's other creations like The Brook are eternal. Water is an eternal element like fire and air which are proposed to last. This central idea is brought out well and emphasized through the repeated refrain by Tennyson in the poem: Men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever. Tennyson, like Shelley is noted for his truly scientific observations.

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The central idea of Lord Tennyson's poem "The Brook" is the timeless and unending nature of nature itself. Through the brook's journey from its source to the end, the poem explores themes of persistence, change, and the cyclical nature of life. The brook serves as a metaphor for the passage of time and how it continues to flow regardless of human existence.

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Q: What is the central idea of the poem The Brooke of Lord Tennyson?
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