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Louis I. Newman (1893–1972) is the author of "The Voice of God," a poem. In the United States, Rhode Island is where he was born. He has written numerous works on religious topics. His religious leanings are evident in this poem.

Central Idea:

The poem is intended to illustrate how the notion that God dwells in the sky on high is false. On the other hand, he is everywhere, especially among the earth's inhabitants. We must live among His creatures here on Earth and selflessly love and serve them if we wish to earn His love and favor.

This poem makes the point that helping people is the best way to glorify God. Thus, assisting others is the highest form of worship.

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Sir Asif Hameed

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1y ago
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6mo ago

The central idea of the poem "The Voice of God" is the idea that God speaks to individuals in different ways, through nature and the world around us. It emphasizes the importance of being open to listening to the divine guidance and wisdom that is present in our everyday lives.

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12y ago

Louis I. Newman is a poet and scholar of Jewish Ethics. He is well known for his written works both in scholarly journals and his poems. The poem is meant to describe that God is all around us and that the best way to serve God is to be a human being.

The voice in the poem went to the top of the steeple in order to have a conversation with God, but alas God is among the people, so he told him to descend to speak on even ground with the man. It is also stating the message that the best way to find God is through humanity.

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Rafia Salafi

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3y ago

This poem was written by Louis I . Newman. In this poem, the author gives the message that if you need the closeness of Allah, you have to help his creation and be loved and caring to them and help solving their problems with utmost power you have to do it with wealth, knowledge and power.

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4y ago

The central idea of poem:

In this poem the poet wants to clear the thoughts of people that we can found god any where by doing just good deeds or kindness not with selfishness but kindness should be done with pure heart.

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