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Her pain was like a dagger twisting in her heart.

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Q: What is an example of a simile using suffering?
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What is an example sentence using simile?

Well a simile is a comparison using like or as. So, an example could be dumb as soap. Or slow like a snail.

One example of simile?

simile is a comparison of 2 objects using like and as. example: You're as dumb as a bag of rocks

Is this a metaphor I'm as hungry as a bear?

No, this is an example of a simile. It is comparing your level of hunger to that of a bear using "as" to draw the comparison.

Example of simile figure of speech?

comparing something using like, as , or than

Is this a simile while you prattle threw your supper?

No. If anything that is an idiom. A simile is a comparison of two things using words like "like" or "as". An example of a simile is "Her eyes are as blue as the sky".

What is the figure of speech of simile?

A simile is a comparison of two unlike things using like or as. Example: He ran like the wind, or she as fast as the wind.

Foam brightens like dogwood now is an example?

"Foam brightens like dogwood," is an example of a simile. It makes a comparison between two things using like or as, thus is a simile.

What is an example of a simile using the word mad?

"As mad as a box of hornets" is one example.Another example is "as mad as a hatter".

What is an example of a simile using like?

I like to eat apples ********************* Improv: He was as high as a kite

Sentences using simile?

An elephant's tusk is like a spear is an example of simile.

Is there a simile in the bad begging?

Yes, a simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things using the words "like" or "as". An example of a simile is "as brave as a lion" or "like a bolt from the blue".

What are 4 example of simile?

Simile same.