A simile.
A metaphor
It is a simile.
As quick as a wink is a simile. ----
simile It is an example of a simile (uses like or as). A simile in itself though is a type of metaphor.
Here's the list of all the Berry mutations in Pokémon X and Y: Apicot Berry - Kelpsy Berry + Wacan Berry;Ganlon Berry - Qualot Berry + Tanga Berry;Grepa Berry - Aguav Berry + Figy Berry;Hondew Berry - Aspear Berry + Leppa Berry;Kee Berry - Liechi Berry + Ganlon Berry;Kelpsy Berry - Chesto Berry + Persim Berry;Liechi Berry - Hondew Berry + Yache Berry;Maranga Berry - Salac Berry + Petaya Berry;Petaya Berry - Pomeg Berry + Kasib Berry;PomegBerry -Iapapa Berry + Mago Berry;Qualot Berry - Oran Berry + Pecha Berry;Salac Berry - Grepa Berry + Roseli Berry;Tamato Berry - Sitrus Berry + Lum Berry.
that man
It is a similie as you are comparing (something) to how sly the fox is. A similie uses the words "like or "as".
simile about dads