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A double metaphor in early Anglo-Saxon poetry is known as a kenning. Kennings are compound poetic expressions, often metaphorical, used as a stylistic device to describe people, objects, or events in a more vivid or imaginative way.

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Q: What is a double metaphor used in early Anglo-Saxon poetry called?
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A double metaphor used in early Anglo-saxon poetry is called?

a kenning. ex: sea-tumult

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When a metaphor is continued throughout several lines of poetry, it is called an extended metaphor. It deepens the meaning and creates a more vivid image or comparison for the reader.

Is Kenning is a double metaphor?

Yes, a kenning is a type of double metaphor used in Old Norse and Old English poetry. It is a compound expression that signifies a person or object indirectly by using metaphors or comparisons.

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In AngloSaxon poetry the term wavewalker would be an example of what?

"Wavewalker" is an example of a kenning in Anglo-Saxon poetry. Kennings are metaphoric compound phrases used to describe people, objects, or concepts in a more imaginative and indirect way.

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Was kenning a characteristic associated with Anglo-Saxon poetry?

Yes, it was a way of combining words to make metaphors. There is a good explanation here:

What is the difference between a metaphor and an extended metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which two dissimilar things are used to make a comparison, but an extended metaphor is a comparison that is continuously being made throughout a written work (more commonly in poetry).

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