Stilt house
In "Island of the Blue Dolphins", Karana's house is described as a traditional Native American dwelling made of whale ribs and covered in tule reeds. It is round in shape and has a small hearth in the center for cooking and warmth. The house is simple but sturdy, providing shelter for Karana and her brother Ramo.
A house made from sod, wooden beams, and rocks; which is what they lived in during the winter.
Swaybars are made of spring steel.
They used long poles/beams to keep the house above the ground. This kept the chickees above the grond for wild animals, other tribes, and natural disasters{mainly floods} And the roofs were made of palm leaves, and animal hide.
Words that can be made using letters from "spring" are:GrinsPingsRingsSprigSpinPigsSignSingGinPin
Hangar 18
A spring is natural, a fountain is man-made, i.e. artificial.
it was made out of your hair
they got half there name from onions and the other half was cause they was made in spring
Harry potter had some money. He stored it in eaves of his house.
Some important assumptions made in the helical spring experiment include: linear elasticity, uniform material properties throughout the spring, neglecting the effects of stress concentration at the ends of the spring, neglecting friction between the coils, and assuming that the load is applied along the axis of the spring.