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A Poem for Johnny

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny well what can I say

Everyday with you was a really special day

Your smile was infectious

Your personality was too

So Johnny remember, we all love you

Every memory of you was ever so good

And you'd come and play with us whenever you could

All those ginger biscuits stacked in a pile

Ding dong on the doorbell and you'd give them us with a smile

Sitting at the table, eating Sunday Roast

Hearing Johnny talk about his egg and his toast

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny what a talented man

To be honest I was a really big fan

Listening to you singing to Adele

You would have thought it was something from hell

But now I think back it was actually quite good

I would have bought some tickets, I would if I could

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny had ants in his pants,

He couldn't sit down without a song or a dance

Football, Tennis, Piano and Golf

We are all proud of you and I think you deserve a toast

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny supported me in every way

He asked about school and swimming every single day

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny you're the brightest star in the sky

Whenever we were feeling low we would end up feeling high

So Johnny, now were feeling blue

Because our world won't be the same without you

Lots of Love

All the family and friends xxxx

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11mo ago

"Johnny's Poem" is a poem written by Françoise Sagan, a French author. It is a melancholic and reflective piece that delves into themes of love, loss, and memory. The poem captures the essence of human emotions and relationships with its poignant and thought-provoking verses.

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