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It began to wilt - It melted.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

After cutting off Grendel's head, Beowulf takes the sword hilt and the head as proof of his victory. He hangs the sword hilt from the rafters as a trophy.

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Q: What happens to the sword after Beowulf cuts the head off Grendel's dead body?
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What was the name of the sword Beowulf used to kill grendels mother?

His ancestral sword.

What does Beowulf do when he stumbles upon grendels dead body?

He cuts off his head to keep as a trophy.

What happens immediately after Beowulf kills grendels mother?

After Beowulf kills Grendel's mother, he sees Grendel's lifeless body and beheads it as proof of his victory. He then finds the decapitated head of Grendel and takes it with him as he returns to Heorot to show it to Hrothgar. The Geats and Danes rejoice in Beowulf's triumph over the monsters.

Was Angelina Jolie naked in Beowulf?

Actually, no. The film is animated and though they used Angelina's face, movements, and voice, it was not her body.

Beowulf defeats Grendel's mother by using a giant magical what?

Beowulf defeats Grendel's mother by using a giant magical sword that he finds in her lair. This sword is so large and powerful that it can slice through her body, finally defeating her.

What is the order of events in Beowulf?

In the epic poem Beowulf, the order of events includes Beowulf traveling to Denmark to help King Hrothgar defeat the monster Grendel, Beowulf battling Grendel and Grendel's mother, and Beowulf returning home to Geatland where he becomes king and battles a dragon in his old age.

What happens between the battle of grendel an Beowulf?

After Beowulf defeats Grendel by tearing off the monster's arm, Grendel retreats back to his lair to die. His mother seeks revenge for her son's death by attacking Heorot while Beowulf is sleeping. Beowulf then tracks her down to her underwater lair and kills her with a magical sword.

How was Grendel mother killed?

Beowulf attacks Grendel, rips his arm off hangs it on the raftors and Grendel walks off and dies in his cave. Later Beowulf finds Grendel's body and cuts his head off.

What does the phrase the sword was a part of your body?

that you can feel it in your body

Summarize what happens during the battle between grendal and Beowulf at herot?

During the battle between Grendel and Beowulf at Herot, Beowulf relies on his superior strength and courage to defeat the monster. Grendel is unable to harm Beowulf due to his exceptional armor and the hero eventually tears off Grendel's arm, causing the monster to flee back to its lair to die. Beowulf emerges victorious, proving his heroic abilities to King Hrothgar and the Danes.

What do Wiglaf and the other soldiers do with Beowulfs body according to his request?

They cremate Beowulf's body on a funeral pyre as per his request. Beowulf had asked to have his remains burned and be placed in a tower by the sea as a memorial for his people to remember him.

What happened to Beowulf after he died?

After Beowulf died, he was cremated and his body was placed in a barrow (burial mound). His funeral pyre was surrounded by treasures and weapons, and he was mourned by his people. Beowulf's story and heroic deeds continued to be celebrated in the form of epic poetry.